The Ohio State Chiropractic Association is the largest and only state-wide association for Doctors of Chiropractic in Ohio, working to ensure Ohio chiropractic physicians are the preferred choice for neuromusculoskeletal care and educating the general public and policymakers that chiropractic should be the first approach in conservative treatment.
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HB 141 Passes The General Assembly!
The Lame Duck Legislative session is notorious for its whirlwind nature - a chaotic mix of last minute strategies, long nights, and unexpected turns. This year, your Ohio State Chiropractic Association (OSCA) braved the roller coaster ride with HB 141, and we're...
Understanding BOIR and Requirements
DEADLINE TO REPORT DECEMBER 31, 2024 The Corporate Transparency ACT (“CTA”) became effective as of January 1, 2024. This new law requires that non-exempt entities submit a report containing various identifying information for (i) the company itself; and (ii) the...
ICD-10 Updates for 2025
Each year, ICD-10 codes are updated. Codes can be added, updated to increased specificity, or deleted. This year's update includes 252 new codes, 36 deletions and 13 revisions and are effective October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025. The changes most likely to...
MMOH Prior Authorization Announcement
Medical Mutual of Ohio announced new prior authorization requirements and changes for PT/OT/ST and Chiropractic services that would go into effect November 1st. Osca has been in communication with Medical Mutual of Ohio leaderships to discuss this recent announcement....
Acupuncture 200 Level – Full Advanced 100 Hour Block 2025
1/17/2025 to 2/9/2025 This program provides doctors and doctoral/professional students the opportunity to learn the technique of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) adjunctive therapies in levels of progression. Each level incorporates classroom and...