Standing Committees

Executive Committee

Michael Cafaro, DC

Michael Cafaro, DC



Robert Ault, DC, MBA, CCSP

Robert Ault, DC, MBA, CCSP

Immediate Past President


Charita Cooper, DC

Charita Cooper, DC

Vice President


Aaron McMichael, DC

Aaron McMichael, DC

Speaker of the Board


Bryan Royer, DC, DACNB

Bryan Royer, DC, DACNB



Brandy Spaulding, DC

Brandy Spaulding, DC

Executive Director, serving as Staff Liaison


Pat Ensminger, DC

Pat Ensminger, DC




Responsible for the board’s day to day decisions that do not require approval by the Board of Directors

Committee Structure:

This committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Association.

Committee Functions:

The committee shall:

  • Enter into contracts on behalf of the Association
  • Assist the Executive Director in monitoring contracts
  • Have the power to borrow money, upon the approval of the Board of Directors.   Shall keep minutes of all meetings and provide actions to the Board of Directors of the Association at the board meeting following such meeting or action.
  • Act as the Association’s Compensation Committee
  • Budget Preparation: Developing the annual budget, based on priorities of Association staff and as defined in the Strategic Plan and then sending it the Budget & Finance Committee for approval.
  • Conducting membership surveys

Staff Liaison: 

Dr. Brandy Spaulding



To provide oversight to the Association’s finances and internal controls.

Committee Structure

The structure of the Audit Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members; one of which is from the Budget & Finance Committee.  Other appointees may be from the Board of Directors or a public member.  The President shall appoint a Chairman, and that appointment shall be approved by the Board of Directors.  Neither the Treasurer nor the Chairman of the Budget & Finance Committee shall be eligible to serve on the Audit Committees,  The Audit Committees function shall be to oversee the integrity of the organization’s financial accounting process and systems of internal controls regarding finance, accounting and use of assets, overseeing the independence and performance of the independent auditors and staff with finance responsibilities, provide an avenue of communication among the organization’s independent auditors, management, staff, and governing board,  conduct any investigation appropriate to fulfill its responsibilities, and directly access the independent auditors as well as anyone in the organization.  The committee may recommend to the Budget and Finance Committee that it retain, at the organization’s expense, special legal, accounting, or other consultants or experts it deems necessary in the performance of its duties.  

Committee Functions

This committee is charged with:

  • Ensures the association’s financial reports are received, monitored, and distributed correctly
  • Oversees the organization’s internal controls, including management’s compliance with applicable policies and procedures and risk management
  • Oversees the independent audit process, including engaging  the independent auditor and receiving all reports and management letters from the auditor
  • Reviews the annual information returns (IRS Form 990 and forms) and recommends it for approval, signature, and submission by the appropriate officer. The audit committee also transmits the returns to the board for its review before signing and submitting it.
  • The board president may delegate other authority and/or duties to the audit subcommittee


  • Chair: Dr. Paul Infield
  • Member: Dr. Stephan Moje
  • Member: Dr. Jeff Zaika

Staff Liaison

Dr. Brandy Spaulding



To approve an annual budget that reflects the strategic priorities of the OSCA; to help oversee investments and management of OSCA assets and to counsel the Board of Directors on matters that affect the financial viability of the organization

Committee Structure

The Budget and Finance Committee shall consist of a chair appointed by the President of the Association and shall consist of at least five members from the Board of Directors.  The chair shall be a district director.

Committee Function

This committee is charged with approving the Association’s operational budget and presenting it to the full board for approval.  This committee also is charged with overseeing and making recommendations on the Association’s finances and long range planning.    This committee shall meet no less than four times per calendar year.

The specific charge to the committee is to be responsible for:

  • Budget Preparation:  Approving the annual budget, based on priorities as defined in the Strategic Plan.
  • Revenues and Expenses: Monitoring revenues and expenses in relation to the established budget in conjunction with the Treasurer
  •  Investment Review: Recommending investment philosophy and policy to Board of Directors.
  • Investments: Monitoring the investment manager’s performance and recommending changing managers if the committee believes that such a change is warranted. 


  • Chair:  Dr. Bryan Royer
  • Member: Dr. Paul Infield
  • Member: Dr. Elizabeth Julius
  • Member: Mr. John Somerville
  • Member: Mr. Rob Zirker

Staff Liaison:

 Dr. Brandy Spaulding



This committee is charged with setting and approving the compensation of the Executive Director.  It shall be the Compensation Committee’s responsibility to approve the compensation of all other employees.

Committee Structure

The Compensation Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Association. 

Committee Functions

This committee is charged with:

  • The Compensation Committee shall determine a method for researching and determining an appropriate salary structure for the Executive Director, and the shall report that method to the Board of Directors,
  • The Compensation Committee shall report to the Budget & Finance Committee only a line-item total of employee compensation that shall be used for budgeting, and; 


  • President & Chair of the Board: Dr. Michael Cafaro
  • Vice President: Dr. Charita Cooper
  • Treasurer: Dr. Bryan Royer
  • Secretary: Dr. Pat Ensminger

Staff Liaison

Dr. Brandy Spaulding



To develop and propose recommended changes to the association’s bylaws and policies and procedures manual and to act as the Association’s nominating committee.

Committee Structure

The Governance and Nominating Committee shall consist of a chair appointed by the President of the Association and shall consist of at least five members from the board of directors.  The committee chair shall be a district director. 

Committee Functions
This committee is charged with reviewing all proposed changes in the Bylaws and other non-fiscal governing documents of the Association and recommending to the full board adoption or rejection of such proposals. This committee shall meet no less than four times per calendar year.

The specific charge to the committee is to be responsible for:

  • By-Laws: To correct article and section designations, punctuation, and cross-references and to make such technical and editorial changes as may be necessary to assure accuracy and readability of the Bylaws.
  • Nominations: The Committee shall seek to proactively recruit candidates for officer positions who have met the qualifications for office and demonstrated positive leadership abilities in their service to the Association.


  • Chair: Dr. Chris Mabry
  • Member: Dr. Stephan Moje
  • Member: Dr. Jonathan Laux
  • Member: Dr. Paul Silcox
  • Member: Dr. Kristene Clark

Staff Liaison

Dr. Brandy Spaulding



To further the association’s strategic plan by approving advocacy and lobbying agendas for the Ohio General Assembly, Ohio regulatory agencies, Congress and federal regulatory agencies regarding chiropractic physicians place in health-care delivery.

Committee Structure

The Government Affairs Committee shall consist of a chair appointed by the President of the Association and shall consist of at least five members from the Board of Directors and at least one at-large member from the OSCA general membership.  The chair shall be a district director. 

Committee Functions

This committee is charged with:

  • Every even-numbered year solicit a survey amongst candidates running for the Ohio General Assembly
  • Monitor lobbying and related advocacy programs to secure action on legislative or regulatory policies
  • Approving political candidate contributions in excess of $500

Chair: Dr. Christopher Raymond


  • Chair: Dr. Christopher Raymond
  • Member: Dr. Craig Banks
  • Member: Dr. Aaron McMichael
  • Member: Dr. Jeff Zaika
  • Member: Dr. Candace Duty
  • Member: Dr. Rodney Oberdorf

Staff Liaison

Dr. Brandy Spaulding

Resource Groups

Each council is assigned a mission and set of responsibilities associated with a particular area within the association or profession


This body shall consist of a chair or co-chairs appointed by the President of the Association and shall consist of at least three OSCA members with no more than seven. The chair or co-chairs shall appoint committee members with approval of the President.

Chair: Dr. Dean Smith  
Member: Dr. Deb Skrynecki
Member: Dr. Aaron McMichael
Member: Dr. Pat Ensminger
Staff Liaison:
Dr. Brandy Spaulding


Chair: Dr. Craig Banks
Member: Dr. Marcus Hummel
Member: Dr. Henrietta White
Member: Dr. Candice Price
Member: Dr. Elizabeth Julius

Staff Liaison: Dr. Brandy Spaulding


*Combined with Legisaltive and Regulatory Affairs Committee