September is Drug-Free Pain Management Month

Join the campaign, save lives. Stop opioid abuse.

OSCA, in collaboration with the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, is once again presenting the “September Is Drug-Free Pain Management Month” campaign. This effort is critical in raising public awareness of chiropractic care as the preferred first-line approach to safe and effective management of musculoskeletal pain. It also raises awareness about the dangers that prescription drugs can present.

Alternative health care options are also celebrated, including acupuncture, nutritional support, massage therapy and exercise, all of which support a healthy lifestyle.

These positive messages present an opportunity for OSCA to position chiropractic as an important response to prescription opioid use and abuse that leads to addiction and catastrophic outcomes.

Enhance your local practice by participating in the campaign

Take a stand for your profession! Follow the guidelines below to make the most of the campaign. What F4CP does nationally – combined with the following local activities offered by the OSCA – will elevate public awareness and utilization of chiropractic as the optimal approach to pain management.

Contact your local legislative body  (Board of Supervisor or City Council) and request a proclamation in your city/town/state to designate September as Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month in your town/city.

Customize the sample letter and attach the personalized proclamation. Send the two documents to your local legislative body.

Notify your local media with a press release announcing September as Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month. If you are contacted for an interview, you can reach out to the OSCA for help with talking points.

Promote the campaign on Social Media – Use these posts on your Facebook page. These messages align with the current statewide billboard and radio campaign to increase the awareness and utilization of chiropractic in Ohio.


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Participate in the “Healthy Me, Drug-Free” Student Poster Contest

To celebrate Drug Free Pain Management Awareness Month, OSCA is once again offering the “Healthy Me, Drug Free” Poster Contest for students in grades 4-9. Promote the event using the marketing toolkit (see links below).

“Healthy Me, Drug Free” 2024 Poster Contest

  • Participants will create a poster about how they live a healthy life without the use of drugs.
  • The winner of each age group will win a $250 Amazon gift card and the student winner’s classroom will also win a $250 Amazon gift card.

Contest Marketing Tools

Use these items to promote the contest and get participation in your area. This is a great way for you to raise awareness in your community about the vital role that chiropractic plays as part of a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.

Flyer with Contest Rules

Entry Form

Letter to the Teacher

Sample Press Release

If you need help using the toolkit materials, or need them provided to you in a different format, please contact Hali Candido at